“Respiratory allergies cause symptoms like nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, and itchy nose and eyes, and can be particularly bothersome at night,” explains Neeta Ogden, MD, an allergist in private practice in Englewood, New Jersey, and an American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) spokesperson. “In addition, untreated or severe allergies can lead to blocked sinuses, sinusitis, and even snoring. All of the symptoms can cause night-time awakenings and disturbed sleep.” Dr. Ogden and others suggest that getting a better night’s sleep when you have allergies starts by: Seeking treatment. The best way to get a good night’s sleep if you have allergies is to get treated, says Flavia Cecilia Lega Hoyte, MD, an allergist and an immunologist and assistant professor at National Jewish Health in Denver. “Start by seeking an evaluation with an allergist to find out exactly what you’re allergic to and what options are available,” she says. There are many treatments that can curb allergies, including allergy shots, she adds. Raising your head. It’s a gravity issue, Dr. Hoyte says. “Congestion is always worse when you are lying down as there is no gravity, and the mucus just sits there.” Propping your head up on a pillow can make a difference in some respiratory allergy symptoms at night, she adds. Keeping pets out of the bedroom. “If your respiratory allergy symptoms are triggered by pet dander, keep all pets out of the bedroom,” Hoyte says. “A lot of people will tell me they don’t let their pets sleep in bed with them, but upon further discussion, it comes up that the pet does spend all day in their bedroom.” The only way to keep animal dander out is to make sure your bedroom is a pet-free zone all night and all day, too, she explains. Doing away with dust mites. Dust mites lurk in the bedroom, where they can disrupt an otherwise downy sleep, Hoyte says. “Use dust-mite-proof pillow and mattress cases to create a barrier between you and the dust mites,” she suggests. “Wash your bedding once a week in hot water that is at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit to kill dust mites and remove allergens.” The bedding is not the only place these microscopic critters hide, however. They also thrive on curtains and in carpets, which is why “we recommend hardwood floors and the removal of fabric curtains and upholstered furniture,” Hoyte says. Keep the humidity in your home at less than 50 percent with a dehumidifier or air conditioner, the ACAAI advises, because dust mites can survive all year in a warm and humid home. Eliminating pollen. Pollen is another respiratory allergy culprit, and leaving the bedroom windows open is a setup for an allergy attack and a poor night’s sleep, Hoyte says. For people with allergies, she explains, “an air conditioner is a much better idea.” Ogden adds that taking a shower at night and making sure to wash your hair is a smart idea during peak pollen season. “Rinse your nose and eyes with saline and wipe down your eyelids with baby wipes so you aren’t going to sleep with microscopic pollen everywhere,” she suggests.  What’s more, she adds, air purifiers, especially in the bedroom, can help clear away pollen and dust mite allergen residue. Depending on your symptoms, you might try sleeping with a cool mist humidifier in your bedroom, Ogden suggests. “This helps keep nasal and airway passages moisturized and prevents the congestion and dryness that can exacerbate cough and blocked nose.” Chilling out. Stress can keep you awake at night, and a study published in April 2014 in the journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology shows it can also trigger flare-ups of seasonal respiratory allergies. People who had more than one allergy flare-up reported higher levels of stress than those who didn’t have allergy symptoms, the study found. Find ways to de-stress, such as meditating, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, and taking time to do activities you enjoy. Switching up your medication routine. If you usually take an antihistamine in the morning, consider taking it before bed instead if that’s when your allergy symptoms are at their worst, Hoyte says. Discuss any medication changes with your allergist first to make sure that the medication won’t cause you to have trouble falling or staying asleep.