For this reason, the court decision has led to a “tremendous outcry” from advocacy groups who support survivors, says Elizabeth L. Jeglic, PhD, a professor of psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York. “Sexual abuse is the most underreported crime, and it is estimated that only about one-third (37 percent) of survivors report the crime to authorities,” Dr. Jeglic says. “What is even more frustrating is that only 25 out of every 1,000 sex crimes result in incarceration for the perpetrator.” Sexual violence — sexual contact that happens without consent — is very common, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), affecting more than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men at some point in their lives. Barriers to reporting sexual assault include distrust of the criminal justice system, and the fact that victims know how rare convictions are in such cases, says Jeglic. RELATED: What Is PTSD? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

How Cases Like Cosby’s Affect Survivors

When a high-profile sexual assault case unfolds in court, it can cause different reactions among survivors of sexual assault, notes Shauna Springer, PhD, a California-based trauma expert and the chief psychologist at the Stella Center. In some cases, the news generated by these trials can galvanize survivors to continue speaking out against sexual assault and in support of victims, while in other cases, it can be retraumatizing, Dr. Springer explains. “When sexual assault survivors report the assault, everything from collection of evidence to sharing their story in public takes so much courage, and when that is not met with justice, or when someone is convicted and then released on a legal technicality, that can promote the message that survivors of assault cannot defend themselves or cannot get justice,” explains Springer. Jeglic says, “When a high-profile case such as Cosby’s is overturned, this brings survivors’ feelings of helplessness and hopelessness to the forefront and can retrigger the trauma.” The news can also produce physiological reactions in survivors, Jeglic says. It can cause the brain to respond as if it’s back in a traumatic situation, which can activate a fight-or-flight instinct and elicit symptoms like shortness of breath, racing heart, nausea, difficulty focusing, feelings of panic, and feelings of depersonalization or derealization — feeling as though you’re having an out-of-body experience or are disconnected from your surroundings. If you or a loved one feels triggered or retraumatized by the news of Cosby’s release from prison and similar headlines, first let yourself acknowledge the injustice. It is important when going through difficult emotions to realize they’re valid. But if you find yourself consumed by these thoughts and feelings, it also helps to have a cache of coping strategies you can turn to. Here are six expert-recommended techniques to try. As with all coping strategies, they work best if you practice them first when you’re not feeling triggered. RELATED: Women and PTSD: The Public Health Problem Nobody Talks About

1. Turn Off News and Social Media

Constant reminders of Cosby’s situation and others like it can be more harmful than helpful for sexual assault survivors, Jeglic says. “While you may want to know more about what happened, constant exposure to the details of the crimes and others’ reactions can just exacerbate the trauma symptoms,” she explains.

2. Lean on Your Support System

If you’re a survivor of sexual assault, having people in your life who support you is key to healing, says Springer, adding that having a support system can help survivors if they feel activated or retraumatized by Cosby’s being freed or similar scenarios. “If a survivor has people in their corner who believe them, who have been down this road before, or who have advocated for them, in other words a ‘tribe’ of people that support them, they are going to be protected from some of the negative effects of what they can’t control,” Springer explains. Jeglic agrees, recommending you call a friend, family member, or your therapist and let them know you are struggling. RELATED: Ariana Grande PTSD Revelation: What to Know About the Mental Illness

3. Use Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques are relaxing activities that alleviate anxiety and stress by replacing your focus on thoughts of the past with a connection to what’s currently happening around you, according to experts at James Madison University (JMU). Grounding techniques that involve using your senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch are particularly effective for survivors of sexual assault. “Using your five senses can help you stay grounded in the present and minimize flashbacks,” Jeglic explains. Per JMU, some techniques include:

Press your feet firmly into the ground to remind yourself of where you’re standing.Keep a calming photo with you and look at it when you’re anxious.Notice the people, sights, and sounds around you.Light a scented candle or visit a place with pleasant smells, such as a coffee shop or bakery.Pet or play with an animal, whether it’s your own pet or an animal at a local shelter.Listen to an audiobook or familiar, comforting music.

4. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a type of meditation that involves focusing on what’s happening in the present moment and being aware of any thoughts, sensations, or feelings you have without judging them, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If you decide to give mindfulness a go, try zeroing in on your breath as it enters and exits your body. This, Jeglic explains, can be especially helpful for keeping you in tune with the present if you begin thinking or feeling as if you are back in a traumatic situation. Meditation can also help you relax by lowering your breathing rate and loosening tense muscles, says the Cleveland Clinic. RELATED: Stress Less During COVID-19: 4 Virtual Meditation Options You Can Try at Home

5. Avoid Drugs and Alcohol

If you’ve been through a traumatic event like a sexual assault it may be tempting to turn to drugs or alcohol to dull your reaction to triggers or distressing memories of your experience, according to the University of Michigan. “While there may be a tendency to want to numb the emotional pain, using drugs and alcohol will only make the situation worse,” Jeglic cautions. It could inadvertently foster a substance abuse disorder down the road — meaning you habitually use alcohol or drugs to the point that it impairs your ability to function. This could pave the way for relationship issues with loved ones, problems at work, and health issues, the University of Michigan experts say.

6. Get Help if You Need It

If you’re feeling triggered or retraumatized, reach out to a therapist or mental health professional. “There are ways to treat many of the most severe symptoms without having survivors share the worst day of their experience repeatedly; these new treatments can really alleviate suffering very efficiently while not necessarily requiring survivors to talk through details of their assault,” Springer explains. If you’re not sure where to start, Jeglic recommends contacting the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), which offers resources for survivors of sexual abuse and assault. RAINN also has a free, confidential, 24/7 National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673). RELATED: Treatment and Medication Options for PTSD