Still, it can be difficult to quit, especially because most people making the effort will experience symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. The good news is that by developing a plan in advance — and specifically, picking a “quit day” — you can increase the chances that you will stay smoke free for good, says Douglas E. Jorenby, PhD, the director of clinical services at the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention in Madison. Here are five steps to take to prepare for the big day.

1. Pick a Date Within the Next Two Weeks

The sooner you quit, the better — but you might need time to prepare. If that’s the case, you might want to pick a day that’s significant to you — for example, your birthday or wedding anniversary. Some people also choose to quit on New Year’s Day or on the third Thursday in November, which is the day of the American Cancer Society’s annual Great American Smokeout. Regardless of what day you choose, mark it on your calendar to make it official.

2. Choose a Tobacco-Cessation Program

Although some people are able to quit cold turkey, there’s no reason to go it alone. Many resources are available to help you kick the habit, and some of them are free. There are telephone quit lines, for example, that are staffed by counselors who can offer you encouragement (call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to be routed to one in your state); phone apps can help you stay on track, and formalized smoking-cessation programs are available at local public and private clinics. Find options at or the American Cancer Society’s Stay Away from Tobacco program. If you’re overwhelmed or aren’t sure where to start, ask your primary care physician for a reference to a nearby clinic.

3. Make a Plan to Fight Off Cravings

Most people who quit smoking experience the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, including anxiety, irritability, and trouble sleeping. But if you know what to expect, you can make a plan that will help you sidestep the urge to smoke. RELATED: How to Beat Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms For example, if you typically feel the urge to light up with your morning cup of coffee, think about what you might do to distract yourself, says Jorenby. Chewing sugarless gum, mints, or hard candy could help, as could changing your daily routine. If you suspect that your withdrawal symptoms will be harder to overcome, talk your doctor about using a nicotine replacement product, such as nicotine gum, a nicotine inhaler, or a nicotine patch.

4. Enlist Some Support From Your Nonsmoking Family and Friends

If you’re tempted to light up when people around you start smoking, try spending your time with your nonsmoking friends and family members. Even better, let them know what you’ll be going through and how they can help encourage you to stay smoke free. If you can’t avoid people who currently smoke, ask them not to do so in front of you.

5. Make Other Healthy Changes to Your Routine

Before your quit day arrives, throw away cigarettes, matches, ashtrays, and any other tobacco-related paraphernalia. Then make a clean break by:

Ramping up your exercise routineSticking to smoke-free areasSpending time with people who don’t smokeAvoiding alcohol, particularly if you smoke while drinking

Remember: Making these changes to your routine in advance can help you steer clear of situations that could trigger your urge to smoke. Many people have successfully quit smoking using these methods — and you can, too. Additional Reporting by Andrea Peirce