“Herbs add flavor and fragrance to dishes without adding unwanted fat, calories, or sodium, and like other plant foods, they are anti-inflammatory,” says Colleen D. Webb, RD, a registered dietitian and clinical nutritionist at the Jill Roberts Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. Your gut will also thank you for adding these particular spices. Natural herbs and spices keep gut bacteria — essential workers for digesting our food and promoting an anti-inflammatory state in the body — healthy and happy, says Sophie Medlin, RD, a consultant dietitian at City Dietitians and chair for the British Dietetic Association for London in England. But it’s important to choose the right kind of spices. Some, like crushed red pepper, might upset your GI tract. Here are some that may help soothe symptoms while adding flavor to your food. 2. Ginger may help ease many gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and gas — all common for people living with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. “Some people find ginger helps settle their symptoms,” says Medlin. Brew up some ginger tea by adding a few slices of fresh ginger to boiling water and then letting it steep for 10 minutes. Grate ginger on rice or use it in baked goods. You can also add it to sautéed or roasted veggies. Webb says it’s especially tasty on roasted carrots. 3. Turmeric is a common ingredient in curry and other Asian foods. According to Medlin, turmeric — and its main component, curcumin — reduces inflammation when it’s in contact with the bowel wall. According to a review published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2019, curcumin has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that are protective against chronic inflammation in the intestines. So how much turmeric do you need in order to reap the benefits? “Fortunately, a little bit of turmeric goes a long way, so people with Crohn’s can benefit without making the dish too spicy,” Webb says. The next time you find yourself scratching your head on how to flavor a pot of rice, consider adding ¼ teaspoon of turmeric. You may also want to sprinkle turmeric over veggies, meat, fish, and beans. 4. Cumin is a spice created from the seeds of a plant in the parsley family. According to a review published in 2018 in the Journal of Medicinal Plant Studies, cumin has antioxidant properties, which help protect your cells from damage. Cumin essential oil has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. The Cleveland Clinic suggests cooking with ground cumin for better absorption of its vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Try adding cumin as an extra earthy flavor in taco seasoning or guacamole. 5. Cinnamon is a seasoning with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and a great source of antioxidants. “Eastern medicine has long incorporated it to help heal colds, indigestion, and gastrointestinal issues,” Webb says. Although there are many varieties of this spice, cassia cinnamon is the one you will most likely find on grocery store shelves, notes the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). And a little bit goes a long way, Simon says. At breakfast, consider topping off your oatmeal or yogurt with cinnamon instead of sugar. At lunch, sprinkle over roasted butternut squash or sweet potatoes, which are normally well-tolerated even during a Crohn’s disease flare-up. For dinner, add cinnamon sticks to sauces and stews. Additional reporting by Jocelyn Solis-Moreira.