In fact, after a good few years of taking medical advice onboard (by researching, reflecting, and incorporating it into my life), I feel like the public health advice here has not only been sound, but it has also made a massive difference in preventing the spread of the virus (at least when properly adhered to). As with many parts of my life, I’ve taken a look at the big picture, and I realize I’ve learned some lessons about life during a pandemic that will benefit me as I try to live my best life with multiple sclerosis (MS).

1. Get Outside Every Day

Even if the weather is nasty, even if you’re tired, even if you just don’t feel like it — get out for at least a bit. Whether your constitutional takes the form of a mile-long walk, a stroll around the garden, or simply a 20-minute break on a porch or balcony, getting some fresh air really is a mood enhancer. Plus, if the sun is out, there’s the added benefit of getting some vitamin D. RELATED: How Vitamin D Deficiency Can Contribute to Low Mood

2. Stock the Larder

You don’t need to hire a trailer and head to the club store for cases of tinned goods, but keeping a well-stocked pantry is a pandemic lesson that’s worth learning. Dried pasta, rice, and noodles all make a great base for a quick meal. Add dried or tinned beans, tomatoes, clean-label pasta sauce (those with few ingredients and nothing artificial), and tinned sardines or tuna — you’re on to it now! Spice it up by adding salsa, curry, harissa, and the like. Frozen vegetables are better than canned, but canned is better than none at all. And don’t forget the incredible edible eggs! RELATED: Your Coronavirus Shopping List: What to Buy and What to Skip

3. Talk to Someone Outside the House

Between MS and COVID-19 restrictions, it’s easy to fold into a housebound routine, and it’s even easier to let days slip by without talking to the outside world. During my presurgery lockdown last spring, I went for a walk outside; I only got as far as a few houses from my own before realizing there was no one out on our bóithrín. It was then that I realized the importance of another voice. So whether it be a phone call to a friend, a chat over the garden fence, or a chinwag with someone you meet on your walk, make the effort to talk to someone outside your own home every day.

4. Stretch Your Body

When public health guidelines or MS restrict our movements, our literal and figurative range of motion can shrink, too. Just like fresh air and a chat with a neighbor, a daily stretch of our muscles will keep the body and mind in far better health. If motivation is lacking or the simple act of stretching is hard, make it a partnered affair. The National MS Society offers recommendations and exercise demonstration videos for people living with MS on their website. RELATED: A 5-Step Stretching Habit to Boost Energy and Mobility

5. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

When one locked-down day seems to pass into the next without much notice, it can be easy to binge-watch streaming services, get stuck on one screen or another, and really muck up our sleep patterns. But it’s worthwhile to develop healthy sleep habits. Following a nightly routine, turning off your screens early, and sticking to a set time for lights out and for waking are just some of the Sleep Foundation’s tips for good sleep hygiene. RELATED: 7 Tips for Finding the Sleep Routine That’s Right for You

Bonus Lesson: Keep Doing These After the Pandemic Is Over

We’ve another month or so of Level 5 restrictions where I live — that means no visitors, no travel, and no indoor activities. After that, the health professionals will reevaluate the situation and will make recommendations to the government. We don’t know what will happen then, but we’re sure not to go back to “normal” that soon; so, as restrictions are gradually lifted, the list above will continue to be an important part of my life for the foreseeable future. Even after that, I know there will be times that MS keeps me closer to home than I’d like — and the lessons I’ve learned from the COVID-19 lockdown will serve me well then, too. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis