But if your concern snowballs into excessive worry or panic that prevents you from carrying out daily functions or interferes with relationships at home, work, school, or elsewhere, then your state of mind may be worth some closer attention. As a licensed counselor, I regularly help people deal with anxiety and other mental health issues. But with the uncertainty of this unprecedented crisis, I’ve seen increasing levels of anxiety in people who are typically able to cope with challenges in a levelheaded manner. They’ve started fighting with family members who disagree about how to respond to COVID-19, the official name for the disease caused by 2019-nCoV — the 2019 novel coronavirus. They have trouble turning off the news, or are avoiding it all together. They’re letting their worst fears guide them instead of their best thinking. My job is to help people figure out how to stay thoughtful, calm, and able to solve problems as the news about COVID-19 changes daily, and often hourly. To help you better cope, I’ve answered some of the questions I’ve been hearing most frequently on how to handle COVID-19–related anxiety. If you’re worrying excessively about the coronavirus disease and are feeling a lot of fear that you find difficult to control, then you may be experiencing anxiety. You may also have some of the following symptoms:

FatigueIrritabilityTrouble sleepingRapid breathingTrouble concentratingPanic attacksObsessive thoughts about getting sick

  1. What should I do if the nonstop news about COVID-19 is making me anxious? If you’re feeling anxious from reading or listening to the constant coverage of COVID-19, chances are you’re consuming too much of it, too often. Consider selecting two to three reputable sources to gather your information from, and aim to read, listen to, or watch them just once or twice a day. You may want to select one national or international news source, for example, and one local news source. Sign up for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 newsletter to get a quick dose of trusted information. And avoid reading the news before you go to bed, as this may interfere with your sleep. RELATED: 4 Misconceptions About the Coronavirus One of the best ways to manage anxiety is to aim to actively separate your most rational thoughts from your worst fears about the COVID-19 virus. Take time to gather the necessary facts about the disease, such as via the CDC’s information on symptoms and preventive measures. Stay up-to-date on steps your local and state governments are taking to prevent its spread — jot everything down if it helps — then create a step-by-step plan that addresses those facts to keep you and your family healthy. Focus on the problems you can solve rather than the what-ifs, as well as how you can contribute to the overall health of your community. It’s also important to limit how much you focus on COVID-19 during the day. Ask yourself, “When am I thinking clearly about the situation, and when am I just panicking about my fears?” Don’t hesitate to turn off the TV or call a friend to chat about something completely unrelated. Be sure to keep moving (even short spurts of exercise indoors help) and get enough sleep; both will help keep your mood lifted. And don’t hesitate to reach out to your therapist or doctor if the symptoms of anxiety feel unmanageable.
  2. Should I talk to a therapist about my COVID-19 anxiety? If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety that interfere with your daily life, work, or relationships, then therapy may be useful to you. Getting your fears about COVID-19 off your chest in a nonjudgmental space can help you think more clearly when devising a fact-based plan for taking care of yourself and others during a pandemic. Therapy can also help you build communication skills that can assist you in navigating conflicts with family members that could arise due to COVID-19 anxiety. Given current travel limitations and the need for social distancing, in which you should stay six feet away from other people, ask your current or potential therapist if they offer phone or video sessions. RELATED: Expert Tips on the Coronavirus Virus: Be Prepared, Don’t Panic
  3. How can I worry less about missing work if I’m quarantined or my kids’ school is canceled and I need to stay home with them? If lockdowns or school cancelations have been (or may be) enforced where you live, making going to work impossible, consider what you’ll need to do to put your work plan into place. Stay up-to-date on the proposed Congressional Families First Coronavirus Response Act — and whether your employer and thereby you will be eligible for aid under the bill — which will provide paid sick leave to some employees, expand food assistance and unemployment benefits, and require employers to provide additional protections for healthcare workers. Separate from the bill, talk to your employer about telework and sick leave policies. Ask them what their plan is for employees who need to be quarantined. Know your rights as an employee, and consult with your human resources department or get legal assistance if needed. If legal help is cost-prohibitive, consult with the American Bar Association to see if you qualify for free or pro-bono assistance.
  4. How do I handle feeling lonely or anxious if I’m isolated by teleworking orders or being officially quarantined? If you live alone or are worried about feeling lonely or isolated while various quarantine measures are in place, it can be useful to make a plan for your mental health. Ask friends and family if they’re willing to schedule time to talk on the phone or online. See whether the organizations or religious congregations that you belong to are hosting virtual meetings or services. And if you have a therapist, ask them whether they offer phone or video sessions for their patients. Creating a plan in advance can help you feel in control of your circumstances if you’re quarantined and may even make the time in isolation more enjoyable.
  5. How can I reduce the stress of working from home while my kids are also forced to stay home from school?  If you have to telework and don’t have or can’t afford childcare, it’s important to be realistic about how much work you can get done. Also, try not to be self-critical if you can’t provide enriching activities for your kids all day long. These are unusual circumstances, and anxiously worrying about maximizing your day will probably only interfere with your work and promote conflicts with kids or other adults. Consider allowing more screen time than normal to keep your kids occupied. Or create a schedule with different hourly tasks that mimics their school schedule. If you have more than one child and they’re prone to fighting — and your place is big enough — keep them in separate rooms, or schedule times when they’re together and apart. If your children are older, ask them for ideas about how they can have fun or complete school assignments while you get your own work done. The best way to help loved ones deal with COVID-19 related anxiety is to first take steps to manage your own anxiety. Rather than arguing with them about the facts, consider sharing with them the thoughtful measures you’re currently taking to stay healthy and worry less, and what news sources you’re using to stay informed. Ask them how you can help, and encourage them to talk with a mental health professional if their anxiety is getting in the way of daily functioning. RELATED: Can You Get Coronavirus From Your Dog? Plus More Pet-Related Questions Answered
  6. What should I do if I think my anxiety about COVID-19 is affecting my kids? Taking steps to manage your own anxiety is the best way to help your children not panic about COVID-19. Being a model of calm and reason is ultimately more effective than anxiously reassuring them that everything is going to be okay. If your children are old enough to know about COVID-19, ask them what they know about the disease, and correct any false assumptions they may have. Then talk about your family’s plan for staying healthy and safe, asking your kids if they have any input of their own — and thanking them for it if so.
  7. I’m worried about my underlying health condition that makes me more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus. How can I worry less? Gathering the facts about COVID-19 prevention both in general and in relation to your condition can help you stay focused on problem-solving rather than worrying about worst-case scenarios. At the moment, people with underlying health conditions in most parts of the country are being encouraged to self-isolate. Talk to your primary care physician or the specialist treating your condition to see what you should do if you have a fever or experience difficulty breathing — two key symptoms of the virus — as well as what additional preventive measures you can take for your specific situation. And be sure you have an ample supply of your prescription medicines. If you’re employed, know your rights as an employee as they relate to teleworking and sick leave. Also, talk to friends and family members about your concerns, and offer them suggestions on how they can support you if you must self-quarantine or become sick. RELATED: Life With MS in the Coronavirus Pandemic RELATED: What People With Heart Disease Need to Know About COVID-19
  8. If I have a mental health condition, what can I do to prevent COVID-19 anxiety from making it worse? If you have a diagnosed mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, it can be helpful to consider how societal anxiety about COVID-19, as well as being isolated, can increase or worsen the symptoms of your condition. If you have experienced depression, for example, being forced to reduce contact with others may cause a dip in your mood. Think about what extra support you may need to keep your mood and spirits lifted — and to keep functioning at a healthy level in general — during these times, and put that support into action before symptoms worsen. This might include meeting with a therapist or psychiatrist, talking to friends and family more frequently, refilling medication prescriptions, increasing healthy habits like exercising, and making sure you’re getting adequate sleep.
  9. What do I do if I’m worried about racial profiling because of the COVID-19 virus? If you have already experienced or are worried about racial profiling due to COVID-19, consider creating a plan to help you feel safe and supported. Schedule time with loved ones to boost your mood — even if it has to be virtual — and think about whether someone can accompany you if you feel unsafe anywhere. If that’s not possible, try to run necessary errands during daylight hours. If you’re worried about discrimination at work, talk to your human resources department. And don’t hesitate to schedule time with a mental health professional if you feel anxious or exhausted. Whatever your concerns may be as the coronavirus pandemic and the fallout from it continues, do some research so you’ll be prepared to best handle the known and the unknown, as well as the different scenarios we may encounter until the situation improves.