People who have hyperhidrosis have many resources available to them, including several online groups and forums, where they can connect with each other and share their stories and frustrations. But the reality is that you may often encounter people who have misconceptions about what “excessive sweat” really means.

What Life Is Like for People With Hyperhidrosis

Many people who have hyperhidrosis share these common experiences that those who don’t sweat excessively can’t relate to.

1. You’re not necessarily sweating because you’re nervous.

While anxiety can trigger sweating for some people with hyperhidrosis, it doesn’t necessarily cause sweating for all people who have the condition. “I like to say, ‘I’m not sweating because I’m nervous; I’m nervous because I’m sweating,’” says Maria Thomas, a Colorado resident who works as a marketing coordinator and blogs about living with hyperhidrosis at My Life as a Puddle. And there are many situations, Thomas notes, in which excessive sweating can give you good reason to be nervous — work meetings, for example, in which your notes can get smeared, or holding a friend’s baby and being afraid you’ll get it wet.

2. Colder weather doesn’t always mean less sweating.

“I would say that most people tend to sweat less when it’s colder outside,” says Temitayo Ogunleye, MD, an assistant professor of clinical dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia. However, there are some notable exceptions. People who usually don’t sweat less when it’s colder, according to Dr. Ogunleye, are those with situational sweating — such as before job interviews or presentations — and those who have hyperhidrosis that mainly affects their hands and feet. Colder weather can also sometimes mean more sweating, since you need to bundle up when you go outside. “It can be 20 degrees outside and snowing, but I can still be sweating inside my gloves,” says Thomas. “I can’t get away from the sweat, because if I take the gloves off, I could potentially develop frostbite.”

3. Picking out clothing requires extra attention.

There are two added considerations for many people with hyperhidrosis when it comes to choosing what to wear: minimizing sweating, and trying not to let it show. “Generally speaking, I prefer darker colors,” says Thomas. But, she adds, “some dark colors can still show sweat marks. I would say it depends on the type of fabric.” Thomas finds cotton and synthetic fibers that wick moisture to be among the best choices, and silk and satin fabrics to be among the worst. Jeans are a favorite option for Caryn Toriaga, a classical flutist based in Albany, New York, whose hyperhidrosis mainly affects her hands and feet. “Denim is good because it usually doesn’t leave a handprint,” she notes, “and it soaks up sweat pretty well too.”

4. Everyday tasks can be more difficult with sweaty hands.

Sweat isn’t just a social concern or a nuisance — it can interfere with daily activities. Working in an office environment, says Thomas, means that hyperhidrosis interferes with using a computer keyboard and mouse, carrying file folders, and taking meeting notes, among other everyday tasks. Both Thomas and Toriaga note that on public transportation, sweaty hands make it more difficult to get a good grip on a rail or pole — on top of the anxiety of being afraid that your sweat will drip on someone else. For Toriaga, sweaty hands can make being a flutist challenging. “Sweating affects the speed and accuracy of my fingers, because I need to hold the instrument differently to feel that I have more control,” she says. “Otherwise it feels like it’s going to slip out of my hands.” And meal preparation can be a constant challenge for people with hyperhidrosis. “I carry around paper towels to sop up my hands,” says Toriaga, “and I’ll wrap a paper towel around the handle of a knife. I’ll get stuff stuck on my hands, and I have trouble opening jars.” But thankfully, for Toriaga, “my husband actually does most of the cooking because he loves it.”

5. You’re afraid to raise your arms too high.

Giving presentations and training people are occasional parts of Thomas’s job, and she often feels as though she can’t be as loose and relaxed as she’d like to be in these situations. “If I’m doing any type of public speaking or giving a presentation to colleagues,” she says, “I’m definitely cognizant of [sweat marks] and not wanting to move my arms as much.” And while not moving your arms might help conceal sweat, it can make the problem worse, since you’re essentially blocking airflow to your underarms.

6. You keep towels and backup clothes around.

Keeping extra clothing and towels on hand is a familiar strategy for many people who have hyperhidrosis. Thomas usually has an extra blazer and shirt at work, in addition to a sweat towel in her desk drawer. “If my sweating gets really bad on my hands or my feet,” she says, “I’ll take out the towel and wipe myself down.” Toriaga places towels strategically in a number of locations — “in my purse, in my flute bag, at work. I have towels everywhere.” This includes a designated black towel that she carries onstage during concerts, since any other color would look out of place.

7. You shower a lot, but it doesn’t always help.

When you have hyperhidrosis, showering often can remove dried sweat from your skin and make you feel more comfortable, but it doesn’t tend to do much to reduce the amount you sweat. “Showering is a winning strategy in that it can help me feel fresh,” says Thomas. “But it’s not going to stop me from sweating.” Thomas usually showers only once a day, but she makes an exception on particularly sweaty summer days, when she’ll shower twice. But, she says, “I know other people [who have hyperhidrosis] who shower multiple times a day.”

8. Handshakes can be distressing.

“Shaking hands is an awful experience,” says Toriaga, “especially if it’s an interview situation where I’m nervous to begin with.” Toriaga notes that fear of a negative reaction from the other person can be stressful, taking a toll even if that reaction never occurs. “First impressions are really challenging,” she says, adding that sweaty hands “make my confidence level drop right away.” If she knows she’ll have to shake someone’s hand, Toriaga will sometimes go to the restroom and run her hands under cold water for a minute. “That will regulate my hand and body temperature a little bit,” she says, but it won’t stop the sweating completely. While she’s in the restroom, Toriaga says, “I’ll take extra paper towels to put in my pocket” so she can wipe her hands on them right before an anticipated handshake.

9. Chairs can often add to the stress you feel.

Most chairs have a sitting surface made of plastic, wood, leather, or fabric. Very few are made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials — especially in institutional settings. That means they tend to either trap moisture or leave marks when you’ve been sweating. On a recent occasion, Thomas recounts, “I was in a big group meeting, and there were plastic chairs. I got up and saw a coworker look down” to see the sweat mark she had left. “My coworker didn’t say anything,” says Thomas, “but I was mortified.”

10. You’ve used subterfuge or told white lies to cover up your sweating.

Thomas says that she’ll often hold a cold drink in her right hand at social gatherings so that when she shakes people’s hands, they’ll feel the cold condensation, not her sweat. “We sweaty people,” she notes, “can be pretty inventive.” Toriaga has at times felt compelled to make up an excuse for why her hand is sweaty during a handshake. “I would say, ‘Oh, I’m sick,’” she says, “or ‘I just washed my hands’ or ‘I was just holding a cold drink.’” Why the white lies? “I’m so worried they’re going to have a response,” says Toriaga, explaining that although people haven’t made comments, “seeing people’s eyes widen — that’s what sinks my heart.”

11. You’ve tried many different treatments.

Ogunleye says that by the time patients come to her about their hyperhidrosis, they’ve typically tried a variety of over-the-counter antiperspirants with limited success. “They’re looking more for medical management,” she explains — which can be a challenge to get right. Ogunleye says she also often sees people who have tried absorptive and antifungal powders, which can help keep parts of the body dry and reduce odors; others have used antiperspirants on less typical areas of the body, such as in the groin area or on their feet. Toriaga has tried several different treatments over the years, with mixed success. Some antiperspirants, she says, “were prickly and a bit painful,” so she couldn’t continue using them. She also took an oral drug that successfully reduced her sweating for four years before it stopped working. Ultimately, though, no single treatment, or even mix of treatments,  works for everyone, so you may need to try a variety of options to find what works best for you. One key to living better with hyperhidrosis, Thomas says, is to connect with other people who share your struggle. “Find people who understand what you’re going through,” she urges, “and find a dermatologist who understands what hyperhidrosis is.”